My mother always told me to watch what I do and say because you never know who is watching and listening to you. This could have never been truer than the other day. While on a full shuttle bus at a resort, a little six year-old boy was having a conversation with the driver. By listening, you could have never told that he was only six. His speech and words were much more mature than that of a boy of his age.
As the driver came to a stop sign and as many of us do from time to time, he only slowed down to a very slow crawl but didn’t come to a complete stop before going through it. This seemed to upset the little boy to the hilt. He sat straight up in his seat, pointed his finger in the direction of the driver and said, “MR BUS DRIVER…DID YOU SEE THAT STOP SIGN?” The driver replied that he did see it. Then the boy went on to say, “THAT SIGN SAID S.T.O.P.!!! IT DIDN’T SAY OPTIONAL!!! THE WORD IS STOP NOT STOPTIONAL.”
The driver chuckled as he asked the little boy where he had heard that and to his surprise the little boy replied, “My dad, the Missouri Highway Patrol Officer sitting in the back seat.” WOW!!! Busted, the driver thought.
Where had the little boy heard this? Had his dad said this to his mom before? Had he heard his dad tell someone else that they were riding with? It doesn’t really matter…he had heard it somewhere before and remembered it.
This just went to prove what my mother had told me many times. We really must pay close attention to what and how we do and say things around others for we never know who is listening. We could influence someone in a positive or negative way without even realizing it.
This brings up a saying I saw the other day on a T-shirt. It said, “Live your life so the preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral.” Think about it…
As I listen to people around me as well as messages on audio books and lessons, I will do my best to post the best of the stories here for everyone to enjoy. All we ask is that you help us by passing this on to others so they too can read our posts.
Keep smiling…