Everyone knows “without your health, you have nothing.” The importance of health and wellness is commonly accepted and yet, also commonly ignored by most of us. We all take good health and wellness for granted when we have it, but desperately wish for it when we fall into sickness.
Surprisingly, transforming your health is actually easy to do. Tapping into good health and a life of wellness means doing things that are easy. Simple little things, done consistently and compounded over time always create significant results.
So why do so many people end up unhealthy, spiraling towards sickness? Especially when good health and wellness is so easy to achieve? Here’s the problem: Every “wellness action” that is easy to do is also easy not to do. Eating that fast food cheeseburger won’t give you a heart attack…at least not today. But, what if it did? Would you ever eat another one? Probably not. You see, it’s not the first burger that gets you, or the hundredth but eating that 1000th one is what gets you. This is the choice we face every day. A simple positive or negative action, over time, can work for or against you.
Right now you are somewhere on the line between “wellness” and “sickness.” And, like it or not, right now, you are moving towards one or the other. We invite you to join our wellness community who have all made the choice to take the simple actions of wellness, not sickness. It’s easy to do…and easy not to do. Where are you on the following chart?
Even though you may eat a healthy low sodium diet, teach Yoga, get 8 hours sleep, teach kid’s sports team, maintain a healthy weight, etc., you could still have rising cholesterol, have high blood pressure, or have bone density loss.
Every human on Earth deserves to live a longer, healthier life free of worries about getting sick. Hundreds of thousands have already decided to take our “Wellness Challenge” and are sharing this message with their family and friends in hopes that they can take this challenge and “Pay It Forward”.
Someone near you has been searching for some natural answers to being able to live a longer, healthier life. Let them know about this message so they to can be a part of our “Wellness Challenge” and start down the pathway towards better health as well as a website we love www.KeepingAmericaHealthy.com.
You can also watch for our postings on our blog, YouTube, facebook as well as other social media groups. Check out our profile for the exact links to each of our groups.
Here’s to your health…