Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish For…It Just Might Come True!?!

When I had just started the 9th grade, we had a guest speaker visit our FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, class.  She shared years of her experiences with us explaining how to plan for our futures in the business world. Looking back, some of her lessons were useless but one has stayed with me.  She made the statement, “You should always be careful what you wish for especially when you decide to write them down on paper.  Some way or another, if you write them down, they seem to almost always come true.”

She then presented a challenge for everyone in the class.  She told us to write down twenty-five or so things we wanted to do after we had finished high school and be very precise with the time period in which we wanted to achieve each thing.  She told us to keep the list in our notebooks and to read them out loud, to ourselves, before class started each Monday.  She then told us to keep the list in a safe place so we could come back and read it from time to time.

I don’t know if anyone else in my class kept their list, but I did.  Seems I stuffed it away so I could come back to see if any of the things actually happened or came true.  After building my home in Branson, Missouri and moving in around late February 2000, I ran across my list.  It took me a few minutes to realize what it was but when it hit me, I almost fell to my knees in shock!!!  I had written down almost thirty things I wanted to do and I was surprised to realize that every single one of them, except for one, had happened just as I had hoped for within the time frame I had set up.  Scary huh?

I wanted to move to Branson, Missouri…I did.
I wanted to become a drummer for a few of the shows…I did.
I wanted to tour around the world playing drums with bands…I did.
I wanted to work with several National and International entertainers…I did.
I wanted to give back and help others who couldn’t or didn’t know how to help themselves…I am.

The only thing that hasn’t happened that I wrote down was…I wanted to have my home completely paid for by my 40th birthday.  I am still working on that one but I’m not giving up.

After understanding that writing your dreams down on paper and occasionally reading them out loud helps keep them in your mind, I also realized that in my studies I’d heard this over and over.  It really works.  I don’t know how or why but it really does work.  Give it a try and see how it happens for you.  It is very easy to do but be very specific with what you write down and the time periods in which you wish to achieve each thing.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this.  Simply reply or add your comments.  I can’t wait to hear from all of you who have experienced this as I have.


Learn “How To Think” NOT “What To Think” in a free ebook we have decided to give away, free of charge, to anyone who wishes to read it.  You can go to http://www.RealFreedom101.com to get a free copy instantly.  I only ask for you to let me know what you think about it once you have taken the time to read it from cover to cover.

To Your Success…

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