Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kool Kat Explains Positive Thinking

Hey there, the Kool Kat has a thought for you to think about... Most people don't realize it but their minds are being programmed everyday. What do I mean? Well think about it...TV, radio, the internet, newspapers, even your friends and family are programming your mind either in a negative or positive way. Just think back a couple of months ago how many times in one hour we heard how bad the economy was. The media scared everyone with their constant ads, over and over and over. Why did we let it bother them so much? We are creatures of habit. We let what other people think influence us positively or negatively. What we need to do is to learn "HOW to think" NOT "What to think". And guess what? The Kool Kat has a free book for you to check out. It will teach you how to think not what to think and its absolutely free. You can get my free book by going to right now. I would love to get your comments on my book and my videos, if you don't mind. Oh yeah, please tell everyone to check out my videos. Thanks and I'll talk to you soon. Enjoy my book...

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