Monday, August 23, 2010
Kool Kat - Are You Walking Past A Fortune?
Most people have been doing something since they were age 5 and they have never once been paid for it. Do you know what I'm talking about? Give up? Okay, I'll tell you. Most people refer their friends to products and services they like but most of them have never been paid a dime for all of their referrals. Why not? Didn't you help them to make money? Yes, you did.
Most people refer things to others daily but most businesses never pay them a single dime for any of their referrals. There are some companies that pay you for each referral you send to them.
Think about this...people are already buying these products each and everyday and does it matter which store they buy them from? Nah...I don't think so. Customers just want the best products and services at the best price. Right? Sure they do. So, shouldn't you get paid referral commissions for sending customers to them? Yes, you absolutely should. So why aren't you?
Most people are walking past a fortune each time they walk past their mailbox. They could be receiving commission checks each week for doing something they are already doing, if they only knew how.
Millionaire secrets are being exposed and you should know about all of them. Go to right now to get free details on how you could start getting mailbox money each week. Check it out. You deserve this.
Feel free to share this video to everyone you know and please, add your comments. See ya later...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Kool Kat - Your Not Alone With Mentoring For Free
Hey, its the Kool Kat and I've got a question for you. How many times have you tried to do something only to have everyone around you tell you that you must be crazy and that you can never do that?'re not alone! Almost everyone has had this happen to them at one time or another. This can be heart breaking leading to years of failures and frustrations. Once again, you're not alone. People from all around the world, just like you, are taking part of free mentoring program put together by some very successful people who want to share their stories with you. This no hidden agenda program is here to help you develop yourself into a successful entrepreneur, no matter what business you do. There are no companies or products ever mentioned just valuable tips from people who were once in your shoes. This incredible program is absolutely free and it will open your eyes to things that most successful people would never share with you. Check it out at and get started on the path to success for free. You deserve this. Check it out and I'll see you later...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Kool Kat Doing Business Old Style
Hey guys, this is the Kool Kat again. I was thinking about something today and I thought I should share it with you. If you think back years ago, people did business a whole different way than they do today. When they met someone they liked and did business with them, they made friends with a handshake and they were friends and business partners for life.
And if you look at the way we do business today, wouldn't things be simpler if we could go back to the way they used to be...when you made a friend and your friend did business with you for life? Think about it. Would that be...better? I think so.
Doing business today can make you feel like you are getting your toes stepped on, make you feel sick at your stomach or even like your being beat up? Well, think about this lesson the next time you are working with one of your customers so you can become friends and business partners for life.
Being successful in business is NOT about what you want. It is about what your customer wants. Keep them happy and you'll get what you want. We have tons of things we can expose to you in our free ebook, which you can get right now at
I would love to get your comments on my book after you've read it and please comment on my videos, if you don't mind. Oh yeah, please tell everyone to check out my videos.
Thanks and I'll talk to you soon...
... (more info)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Kool Kat Explains Positive Thinking
Hey there, the Kool Kat has a thought for you to think about... Most people don't realize it but their minds are being programmed everyday. What do I mean? Well think about it...TV, radio, the internet, newspapers, even your friends and family are programming your mind either in a negative or positive way. Just think back a couple of months ago how many times in one hour we heard how bad the economy was. The media scared everyone with their constant ads, over and over and over. Why did we let it bother them so much? We are creatures of habit. We let what other people think influence us positively or negatively. What we need to do is to learn "HOW to think" NOT "What to think". And guess what? The Kool Kat has a free book for you to check out. It will teach you how to think not what to think and its absolutely free. You can get my free book by going to right now. I would love to get your comments on my book and my videos, if you don't mind. Oh yeah, please tell everyone to check out my videos. Thanks and I'll talk to you soon. Enjoy my book...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Choosing Wellness – It’s Easy To Do and Not To Do…
Everyone knows “without your health, you have nothing.” The importance of health and wellness is commonly accepted and yet, also commonly ignored by most of us. We all take good health and wellness for granted when we have it, but desperately wish for it when we fall into sickness.
Surprisingly, transforming your health is actually easy to do. Tapping into good health and a life of wellness means doing things that are easy. Simple little things, done consistently and compounded over time always create significant results.
So why do so many people end up unhealthy, spiraling towards sickness? Especially when good health and wellness is so easy to achieve? Here’s the problem: Every “wellness action” that is easy to do is also easy not to do. Eating that fast food cheeseburger won’t give you a heart attack…at least not today. But, what if it did? Would you ever eat another one? Probably not. You see, it’s not the first burger that gets you, or the hundredth but eating that 1000th one is what gets you. This is the choice we face every day. A simple positive or negative action, over time, can work for or against you.
Right now you are somewhere on the line between “wellness” and “sickness.” And, like it or not, right now, you are moving towards one or the other. We invite you to join our wellness community who have all made the choice to take the simple actions of wellness, not sickness. It’s easy to do…and easy not to do. Where are you on the following chart?
Even though you may eat a healthy low sodium diet, teach Yoga, get 8 hours sleep, teach kid’s sports team, maintain a healthy weight, etc., you could still have rising cholesterol, have high blood pressure, or have bone density loss.
Every human on Earth deserves to live a longer, healthier life free of worries about getting sick. Hundreds of thousands have already decided to take our “Wellness Challenge” and are sharing this message with their family and friends in hopes that they can take this challenge and “Pay It Forward”.
Someone near you has been searching for some natural answers to being able to live a longer, healthier life. Let them know about this message so they to can be a part of our “Wellness Challenge” and start down the pathway towards better health as well as a website we love
You can also watch for our postings on our blog, YouTube, facebook as well as other social media groups. Check out our profile for the exact links to each of our groups.
Here’s to your health…
Surprisingly, transforming your health is actually easy to do. Tapping into good health and a life of wellness means doing things that are easy. Simple little things, done consistently and compounded over time always create significant results.
So why do so many people end up unhealthy, spiraling towards sickness? Especially when good health and wellness is so easy to achieve? Here’s the problem: Every “wellness action” that is easy to do is also easy not to do. Eating that fast food cheeseburger won’t give you a heart attack…at least not today. But, what if it did? Would you ever eat another one? Probably not. You see, it’s not the first burger that gets you, or the hundredth but eating that 1000th one is what gets you. This is the choice we face every day. A simple positive or negative action, over time, can work for or against you.
Right now you are somewhere on the line between “wellness” and “sickness.” And, like it or not, right now, you are moving towards one or the other. We invite you to join our wellness community who have all made the choice to take the simple actions of wellness, not sickness. It’s easy to do…and easy not to do. Where are you on the following chart?
Even though you may eat a healthy low sodium diet, teach Yoga, get 8 hours sleep, teach kid’s sports team, maintain a healthy weight, etc., you could still have rising cholesterol, have high blood pressure, or have bone density loss.
Every human on Earth deserves to live a longer, healthier life free of worries about getting sick. Hundreds of thousands have already decided to take our “Wellness Challenge” and are sharing this message with their family and friends in hopes that they can take this challenge and “Pay It Forward”.
Someone near you has been searching for some natural answers to being able to live a longer, healthier life. Let them know about this message so they to can be a part of our “Wellness Challenge” and start down the pathway towards better health as well as a website we love
You can also watch for our postings on our blog, YouTube, facebook as well as other social media groups. Check out our profile for the exact links to each of our groups.
Here’s to your health…
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Dark Side Of “Vitaminwater” from Coca-Cola
Now here's something you wouldn't expect. I just read that Coca-Cola is being sued by a non-profit public interest group, on the grounds that the company's vitaminwater products make unwarranted health claims. No surprise there. But how do you think the company is defending itself?
In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."
Does this mean that you'd have to be an unreasonable person to think that a product named "vitaminwater," a product that has been heavily and aggressively marketed as a healthy beverage, actually had health benefits?
Or does it mean that it's okay for a corporation to lie about its products, as long as they can then turn around and claim that no one actually believes their lies?
In fact, the product is basically sugar-water, to which about a penny's worth of synthetic vitamins have been added. And the amount of sugar is not trivial. A bottle of vitaminwater contains 33 grams of sugar, making it more akin to a soft drink than to a healthy beverage.
Is any harm being done by this marketing ploy? After all, some might say consumers are at least getting some vitamins, and there isn't as much sugar in vitaminwater as there is in regular Coke.
True. But about 35 percent of Americans are now considered medically obese. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Health experts tend to disagree about almost everything, but they all concur that added sugars play a key role in the obesity epidemic, a problem that now leads to more medical costs than smoking.
How many people with weight problems have consumed products like vitaminwater in the mistaken belief that the product was nutritionally positive and carried no caloric consequences? How many have thought that consuming vitaminwater was a smart choice from a weight-loss perspective? The very name "vitaminwater" suggests that the product is simply water with added nutrients, disguising the fact that it's actually full of added sugar.
The truth is that when it comes to weight loss, what you drink may be even more important than what you eat. Americans now get nearly 25 percent of their calories from liquids. In 2009, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, finding that the quickest and most reliable way to lose weight is to cut down on liquid calorie consumption. And the best way to do that is to reduce or eliminate beverages that contain added sugar.
Meanwhile, Coca-Cola has invested billions of dollars in its vitaminwater line, paying basketball stars, including Kobe Bryant and Lebron James, to appear in ads that emphatically state that these products are a healthy way for consumers to hydrate. When Lebron James held his much ballyhooed TV special to announce his decision to join the Miami Heat, many corporations paid millions in an attempt to capitalize on the event. But it was vitaminwater that had the most prominent role throughout the show.
The lawsuit, brought by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, alleges that vitaminwater labels and advertising are filled with "deceptive and unsubstantiated claims." In his recent 55-page ruling, Federal Judge John Gleeson (U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York), wrote, "At oral arguments, defendants (Coca-Cola) suggested that no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitamin water was a healthy beverage." Noting that the soft drink giant wasn't claiming the lawsuit was wrong on factual grounds, the judge wrote that, "Accordingly, I must accept the factual allegations in the complaint as true."
I still can't get over the bizarre audacity of Coke's legal case. Forced to defend themselves in court, they are acknowledging that vitaminwater isn't a healthy product. But they are arguing that advertising it as such isn't false advertising, because no one could possibly believe such a ridiculous claim.
I guess that's why they spend hundreds of millions of dollars advertising the product, saying it will keep you "healthy as a horse," and will bring about a "healthy state of physical and mental well-being."
This is just another reason why I love “Crave”. With only 1 gram of sugar and 9 calories per serving, you can’t go wrong. Not to mention it is cheaper and more convenient to carry with you. Check out for more details. Enjoy…
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Be Careful What You Wish For…It Just Might Come True!?!
When I had just started the 9th grade, we had a guest speaker visit our FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, class. She shared years of her experiences with us explaining how to plan for our futures in the business world. Looking back, some of her lessons were useless but one has stayed with me. She made the statement, “You should always be careful what you wish for especially when you decide to write them down on paper. Some way or another, if you write them down, they seem to almost always come true.”
She then presented a challenge for everyone in the class. She told us to write down twenty-five or so things we wanted to do after we had finished high school and be very precise with the time period in which we wanted to achieve each thing. She told us to keep the list in our notebooks and to read them out loud, to ourselves, before class started each Monday. She then told us to keep the list in a safe place so we could come back and read it from time to time.
I don’t know if anyone else in my class kept their list, but I did. Seems I stuffed it away so I could come back to see if any of the things actually happened or came true. After building my home in Branson, Missouri and moving in around late February 2000, I ran across my list. It took me a few minutes to realize what it was but when it hit me, I almost fell to my knees in shock!!! I had written down almost thirty things I wanted to do and I was surprised to realize that every single one of them, except for one, had happened just as I had hoped for within the time frame I had set up. Scary huh?
I wanted to move to Branson, Missouri…I did.
I wanted to become a drummer for a few of the shows…I did.
I wanted to tour around the world playing drums with bands…I did.
I wanted to work with several National and International entertainers…I did.
I wanted to give back and help others who couldn’t or didn’t know how to help themselves…I am.
The only thing that hasn’t happened that I wrote down was…I wanted to have my home completely paid for by my 40th birthday. I am still working on that one but I’m not giving up.
After understanding that writing your dreams down on paper and occasionally reading them out loud helps keep them in your mind, I also realized that in my studies I’d heard this over and over. It really works. I don’t know how or why but it really does work. Give it a try and see how it happens for you. It is very easy to do but be very specific with what you write down and the time periods in which you wish to achieve each thing.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this. Simply reply or add your comments. I can’t wait to hear from all of you who have experienced this as I have.
Learn “How To Think” NOT “What To Think” in a free ebook we have decided to give away, free of charge, to anyone who wishes to read it. You can go to to get a free copy instantly. I only ask for you to let me know what you think about it once you have taken the time to read it from cover to cover.
To Your Success…
She then presented a challenge for everyone in the class. She told us to write down twenty-five or so things we wanted to do after we had finished high school and be very precise with the time period in which we wanted to achieve each thing. She told us to keep the list in our notebooks and to read them out loud, to ourselves, before class started each Monday. She then told us to keep the list in a safe place so we could come back and read it from time to time.
I don’t know if anyone else in my class kept their list, but I did. Seems I stuffed it away so I could come back to see if any of the things actually happened or came true. After building my home in Branson, Missouri and moving in around late February 2000, I ran across my list. It took me a few minutes to realize what it was but when it hit me, I almost fell to my knees in shock!!! I had written down almost thirty things I wanted to do and I was surprised to realize that every single one of them, except for one, had happened just as I had hoped for within the time frame I had set up. Scary huh?
I wanted to move to Branson, Missouri…I did.
I wanted to become a drummer for a few of the shows…I did.
I wanted to tour around the world playing drums with bands…I did.
I wanted to work with several National and International entertainers…I did.
I wanted to give back and help others who couldn’t or didn’t know how to help themselves…I am.
The only thing that hasn’t happened that I wrote down was…I wanted to have my home completely paid for by my 40th birthday. I am still working on that one but I’m not giving up.
After understanding that writing your dreams down on paper and occasionally reading them out loud helps keep them in your mind, I also realized that in my studies I’d heard this over and over. It really works. I don’t know how or why but it really does work. Give it a try and see how it happens for you. It is very easy to do but be very specific with what you write down and the time periods in which you wish to achieve each thing.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with this. Simply reply or add your comments. I can’t wait to hear from all of you who have experienced this as I have.
Learn “How To Think” NOT “What To Think” in a free ebook we have decided to give away, free of charge, to anyone who wishes to read it. You can go to to get a free copy instantly. I only ask for you to let me know what you think about it once you have taken the time to read it from cover to cover.
To Your Success…
Monday, August 2, 2010
You Can Lead A Horse To Water But...
Someone just e-mailed this cartoon to me and I thought it was too cute not to share. Working with people on a daily basis, I can appreciate this to the max. Some people just can't be shown, told or helped no matter how hard you try. If you truly desire success, you must be open to, listen to and comprehend the lessons from someone who is successful. After all..."Leaders Are Readers." Think about a few things the next time someone tries to lend a helping hand. How creditable is marriage counseling from someone who has been married ten times? Or, would you let someone perform open heart surgery on you after they have only read one book on the heart? If you want to do something and be successful, find someone who has done what your doing and learn from them. This is why we only study from the best. Our mentors have walked the paths we are walking now and teach from their experiences in a free ebook, "Success In 10 Steps". Check out our profile for more information, if your interested.
To Your Success.....
Friday, July 30, 2010
Happy Birthday...Did You Know?
Here are few facts I found to be interesting and thought you may like to know.
History of Birthday observance can be traced back before the rise of Christianity. In pagan culture, it was believed evil spirits visited people on their birthdays. To protect the person having the birthday from the evil effect, people used to surround him and make merry. A lot of noise used to be created in such parties to scare away the evil spirits. In those times, there was no tradition of bringing gifts and guests attending the birthday party would bring good wishes for the birthday person. However, if a guest did bring gifts it was considered to be a good sign for the person of honor. Later, flowers became quite popular as a Birthday gift.
I have received a lot of birthday wishes from many of my friends online and offline so knowing these facts has me feel more blessed than ever. Thanks to everyone who sent me wishes...
PS - My dad sent me the funniest card. I just have to share it with you. It said...
Turning 40? Listen to your mind say... You're Young! You're Vibrant! You can do anything a 20-year-old can do! Then you open the card and it reads... THEN LISTEN TO YOUR BODY SAY: HA!!! HA!!! HA!!!
History of Birthday observance can be traced back before the rise of Christianity. In pagan culture, it was believed evil spirits visited people on their birthdays. To protect the person having the birthday from the evil effect, people used to surround him and make merry. A lot of noise used to be created in such parties to scare away the evil spirits. In those times, there was no tradition of bringing gifts and guests attending the birthday party would bring good wishes for the birthday person. However, if a guest did bring gifts it was considered to be a good sign for the person of honor. Later, flowers became quite popular as a Birthday gift.
I have received a lot of birthday wishes from many of my friends online and offline so knowing these facts has me feel more blessed than ever. Thanks to everyone who sent me wishes...
PS - My dad sent me the funniest card. I just have to share it with you. It said...
Turning 40? Listen to your mind say... You're Young! You're Vibrant! You can do anything a 20-year-old can do! Then you open the card and it reads... THEN LISTEN TO YOUR BODY SAY: HA!!! HA!!! HA!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Never Judge A Book By Its Cover...
We should NEVER judge someone or something by what’s on the outside. Let me explain...
I met a nice couple today who allowed me to have wonderful conversation with them. We talked for over an hour about things in our pasts and how they relate to our lives today. Several subjects were brought up and one stood out as being a great message to post for everyone. I hope you enjoy it.
When I was in my mid-teens, a distant cousin revealed something to me that I carry with me today. He was an average looking man with not much to speak of yet he had the most wonderful and beautiful wife you could imagine. Not only was his wife a blessing but so was his daughter-in-law. I wondered how the two of them could have gotten so lucky with women so I asked. After all...I was hoping to have a date sooner or later. His answer to my questions taught me a wonderful lesson that could apply to anything in life. I hope you can follow along grasping the message that he taught just as I did years ago.
The first thing he told me was, “you should never judge a book by its cover.” He then told me to go somewhere and look around for the most beautiful girl in the room. Once I had spotted her, go up to her and casually start up a general conversation with her. Try not to use the normal lines she most likely had heard thousands of times but something that was meaningful and wasn't just a line filled with a lot of bull. If she wasn't interested in chatting, simply move on to the next beautiful girl, holding your head up high, and do the same thing over again. Sooner or later, one of the girls will want to talk to you. He also said that just because she is so pretty doesn't always mean that she has a boyfriend. He explained that most guys think the same thing. Due to her looks, she must have a boyfriend...right? WRONG... Many guys, no matter their looks, physical or financial state, will think the same as you so they won't even bother to try to talk to her. This would be their mistake and I could capitalize on it. And I did.
As I got out of my comfort zone and began making meaningful small talk with several girls, I started to realize that what I was told was completely correct. Most of the girls were looking for a true friend, a man they could talk to and spend their time with. They were wanting someone to see them for their inner beauty as well as their outer beauty. Over the next several years, I had the opportunity to date several girls that could be considered as beauty queens. If you've ever seen me you would wonder why they would go out with me. I just never judged a single girl by what I saw on the outside. It must have worked...I've been married for over 14 years now.
As you go through your life doing your everyday chores and work, I hope you remember and apply this little lesson to your life as I do. You may be surprised that the things you thought could never be a part of your life are soon becoming a part of your world.
Keep Smiling And...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
You never know who is listening to you…
My mother always told me to watch what I do and say because you never know who is watching and listening to you. This could have never been truer than the other day. While on a full shuttle bus at a resort, a little six year-old boy was having a conversation with the driver. By listening, you could have never told that he was only six. His speech and words were much more mature than that of a boy of his age.
As the driver came to a stop sign and as many of us do from time to time, he only slowed down to a very slow crawl but didn’t come to a complete stop before going through it. This seemed to upset the little boy to the hilt. He sat straight up in his seat, pointed his finger in the direction of the driver and said, “MR BUS DRIVER…DID YOU SEE THAT STOP SIGN?” The driver replied that he did see it. Then the boy went on to say, “THAT SIGN SAID S.T.O.P.!!! IT DIDN’T SAY OPTIONAL!!! THE WORD IS STOP NOT STOPTIONAL.”
The driver chuckled as he asked the little boy where he had heard that and to his surprise the little boy replied, “My dad, the Missouri Highway Patrol Officer sitting in the back seat.” WOW!!! Busted, the driver thought.
Where had the little boy heard this? Had his dad said this to his mom before? Had he heard his dad tell someone else that they were riding with? It doesn’t really matter…he had heard it somewhere before and remembered it.
This just went to prove what my mother had told me many times. We really must pay close attention to what and how we do and say things around others for we never know who is listening. We could influence someone in a positive or negative way without even realizing it.
This brings up a saying I saw the other day on a T-shirt. It said, “Live your life so the preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral.” Think about it…
As I listen to people around me as well as messages on audio books and lessons, I will do my best to post the best of the stories here for everyone to enjoy. All we ask is that you help us by passing this on to others so they too can read our posts.
Keep smiling…
As the driver came to a stop sign and as many of us do from time to time, he only slowed down to a very slow crawl but didn’t come to a complete stop before going through it. This seemed to upset the little boy to the hilt. He sat straight up in his seat, pointed his finger in the direction of the driver and said, “MR BUS DRIVER…DID YOU SEE THAT STOP SIGN?” The driver replied that he did see it. Then the boy went on to say, “THAT SIGN SAID S.T.O.P.!!! IT DIDN’T SAY OPTIONAL!!! THE WORD IS STOP NOT STOPTIONAL.”
The driver chuckled as he asked the little boy where he had heard that and to his surprise the little boy replied, “My dad, the Missouri Highway Patrol Officer sitting in the back seat.” WOW!!! Busted, the driver thought.
Where had the little boy heard this? Had his dad said this to his mom before? Had he heard his dad tell someone else that they were riding with? It doesn’t really matter…he had heard it somewhere before and remembered it.
This just went to prove what my mother had told me many times. We really must pay close attention to what and how we do and say things around others for we never know who is listening. We could influence someone in a positive or negative way without even realizing it.
This brings up a saying I saw the other day on a T-shirt. It said, “Live your life so the preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral.” Think about it…
As I listen to people around me as well as messages on audio books and lessons, I will do my best to post the best of the stories here for everyone to enjoy. All we ask is that you help us by passing this on to others so they too can read our posts.
Keep smiling…
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Reputation is made in a moment; Character is built in a lifetime.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression so you should always try to do your best for you never know who will be watching. Think about it...
Monday, July 26, 2010
When The Student Is Ready...The Teacher Will Appear.
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". This statement hit me really hard this year when I started looking for a mentor. My wife and I have been in many marketing ventures for over 13 years now and never really made much money to speak of. A friend told me that there is no such thing as luck. Luck is being prepared when opportunity comes knocking at your door. We've all heard this but several months ago, my friend started knocking at my door to tell me about something he found and best of all...IT'S FREE!!!
He told me about a free ebook, "Success In 10 Steps", that he had downloaded and read. He told me that the book never once mentions a company name, product, opportunity or just teaches you what to look for in a solid company. At first, I laughed it off. BUT, that night I went to the site and got my own copy. I am glad I did!!! That little book has changed my life. I am sure it will change the way you look at things as it did for me.
"Happy WIFE...Happy LIFE". This little book has made a huge difference in the lives and attitudes in our house.
Get a free copy for yourself today. I look forward to seeing you on the beaches of the world.
He told me about a free ebook, "Success In 10 Steps", that he had downloaded and read. He told me that the book never once mentions a company name, product, opportunity or just teaches you what to look for in a solid company. At first, I laughed it off. BUT, that night I went to the site and got my own copy. I am glad I did!!! That little book has changed my life. I am sure it will change the way you look at things as it did for me.
"Happy WIFE...Happy LIFE". This little book has made a huge difference in the lives and attitudes in our house.
Get a free copy for yourself today. I look forward to seeing you on the beaches of the world.
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother...
A few days ago, a long time friend asked if I would help him do something. I didn't know if I should or not for I didn't really understand the situation. Then, the words to a song came to mind and I knew I had to lend a helping hand. I know all of you have heard this song at least once but have you ever really listened to the message? Have you ever thought about by just lending a helping hand, you may change the life or lives of someone? Read the words to the song and think about how they relate to all fellow networkers.
He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother...
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows when
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
So on we go
His welfare is of my concern
No burden is he to bear
We'll get there
For I know
He would not encumber me
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
If I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart
Isn't filled with the gladness
Of love for one another
It's a long, long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn't weigh me down at all
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
He's my brother
He ain't heavy, he's my brother...
Now that you've read these simple words, I hope you get a better idea that by simply lending a hand you may indeed change the life or lives of others? This is why I do the things I do.
A few months ago, I was turned on to the best mentoring program in the entire world. Over 107,000 people have said the same thing. It all started when I downloaded the free ebook, "Success In 10 Steps", found at This simple to read book set my mind at ease and explained why my past failures were not my fault at all.
I wish you all the best and hope these song lyrics helped to enlighten you.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Nobody cares how much you know, until...
Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
The past 24 hours proved this statement to be so true for me. You see, yesterday, we took the kids swimming at a local lazy river and water slide. As we started to get out of the van, my little six-year-old son came over and gave me a hug. This was a sweet gesture, I thought. Then, he did something that really took me by surprise. He came back over to me, gave me another hug and said, “I love you so much daddy that I just had to give you another hug.” This melted my heart and made me tear up a little. Not much could have spoiled my moment. To say the least…we all had a blast.
As I thought about it, I realized just how this moment had spoken to me. No matter how you are feeling, what the environment provides, how your business is going or whatever the situation…take a look around to be aware of all your surroundings then seize each and every moment so you have no regrets. Be sure to tell the people who are close to you just how special they are.
As we were leaving, I noticed a saying on a T-shirt that applies to this message. It said, “Always try to live your life in a manner so the preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral.”
Think about it…
The past 24 hours proved this statement to be so true for me. You see, yesterday, we took the kids swimming at a local lazy river and water slide. As we started to get out of the van, my little six-year-old son came over and gave me a hug. This was a sweet gesture, I thought. Then, he did something that really took me by surprise. He came back over to me, gave me another hug and said, “I love you so much daddy that I just had to give you another hug.” This melted my heart and made me tear up a little. Not much could have spoiled my moment. To say the least…we all had a blast.
As I thought about it, I realized just how this moment had spoken to me. No matter how you are feeling, what the environment provides, how your business is going or whatever the situation…take a look around to be aware of all your surroundings then seize each and every moment so you have no regrets. Be sure to tell the people who are close to you just how special they are.
As we were leaving, I noticed a saying on a T-shirt that applies to this message. It said, “Always try to live your life in a manner so the preacher won’t have to lie at your funeral.”
Think about it…
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Any Dave Ramsey fans out there?
The phrase, "If you don't change your direction, you may end up where you are headed" can be said many different ways but no matter which way it reads, it still means the same thing. How many times can you think back on where you said, If I would have only known then what I know now, I would have done things different? This happens to me all the time as I am sure it does for most people.
Most people, 98% of the population, go through life living day by day and they never plan for the future. They just keep on working towards retirement where they will, most likely, be forced to live on 40% of what they can't live on today. This is a SCARY thought!!!!
My life made a huge change last year when I was introduced to a financial course by Dave Ramsey called, "Financial Peace University" which can be found along with tons of other financial pieces at I don't make a single penny for talking about this so don't worry. I simply feel that everyone should take the course as my family did. It will change the way you look at life, money, family, etc.
We hear tons of hipe about how this and that can change your life but this is a must. Let me explain. We were living check to check, week by week and never had much to show for it although we had a pretty nice income. The bills were being paid but where was the rest going? I knew the money was coming in but didn't have a clue as to where it was going. That was until this course. Now, we follow the extremely simple steps taught in this course and we know where each and every dime goes. What a relief!!!
I am so certain that this course will help everyone that I feel that it should be a required subject in high school before anyone could graduate...PERIOD!!! If this happened, the financial state American's face daily would be a lot less stressful and they would be able to live not just exist from day to day.
Dave has a saying that took me a little while to grasp. It is...Live Like No One Else So One Day You Can Live Like No One Else. Once I understood what this phrase really meant, life for my family took a turn for the better. So, I strongly suggest that you take a little time to review his website. It may help you in more ways than just financially. I know it did for me and my family.
Most people, 98% of the population, go through life living day by day and they never plan for the future. They just keep on working towards retirement where they will, most likely, be forced to live on 40% of what they can't live on today. This is a SCARY thought!!!!
My life made a huge change last year when I was introduced to a financial course by Dave Ramsey called, "Financial Peace University" which can be found along with tons of other financial pieces at I don't make a single penny for talking about this so don't worry. I simply feel that everyone should take the course as my family did. It will change the way you look at life, money, family, etc.
We hear tons of hipe about how this and that can change your life but this is a must. Let me explain. We were living check to check, week by week and never had much to show for it although we had a pretty nice income. The bills were being paid but where was the rest going? I knew the money was coming in but didn't have a clue as to where it was going. That was until this course. Now, we follow the extremely simple steps taught in this course and we know where each and every dime goes. What a relief!!!
I am so certain that this course will help everyone that I feel that it should be a required subject in high school before anyone could graduate...PERIOD!!! If this happened, the financial state American's face daily would be a lot less stressful and they would be able to live not just exist from day to day.
Dave has a saying that took me a little while to grasp. It is...Live Like No One Else So One Day You Can Live Like No One Else. Once I understood what this phrase really meant, life for my family took a turn for the better. So, I strongly suggest that you take a little time to review his website. It may help you in more ways than just financially. I know it did for me and my family.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Headaches, Wasp/Bee Stings BE GONE!!!
I have to share this with everyone. A few weeks ago I heard about a product called "Sunjing" and how it could almost instantly relieve wasp/bee stings. Being allergic to these little creatures all of my life, I've tried everything to ease the painful stings but nothing worked as it said it would. Then, I saw a little eight year old boy get stung on the back of his head and this miracle product was rubbed on the sting area and then had a cold pack applied to it. Almost instantly, the little boy said the pain was going away. When I saw this I had to get a bottle for myself and my wife, just in case. Wouldn't you know it. A few days after getting ours in, our six year old son got stung on his calf muscle on his leg. Remembering what I had witnessed, I grabbed ours and it had the same effect on him. Incredible!!!
This morning, I woke up with a painful headache and nothing seemed to help. I did the usual headache pills, took a nap and still had the headache. I decided to give it a shot and apply some "Sunjing" on my forehead and the tip of my nose. Within a couple of minutes, my headache was completely gone.
This is the most amazing product I've ever seen so I wanted to share it with you in case you or someone you know suffers from these problems. I ordered our bottles online, the only place to get it. Here is the address I got it from...Sunjing Is Amazing.
The highest reward for man's toil is...
“The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.” John Ruskin
As I studied this quote this morning, I began to realize just how true this is no matter what the situation, job or career. Looking back over the past forty years, it is clear to me that all my personal toils have made me the person I am today. High School sometimes seemed to be useless to me at the time, the hours of practicing music could be long and tiring, and the long hours driving from concert to concert could wear me out but I pressed on. The more I continued to press on the more experience I got. As Don Stanford said, “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.”
This can be true with starting a new business. You may put in long hours only to be able to just keep things going. Don’t worry, this is called “Experience” and it will make you much stronger. This is what people kept telling me and I am glad they did. It is true. So, keep your head up and keep pressing onward and you will go far. Just make sure you are headed on the right pathway or you could end up where you don’t want to be.
We are here for you, if you ask. Read more about us by checking out our complete profile. Here’s to your success…
As I studied this quote this morning, I began to realize just how true this is no matter what the situation, job or career. Looking back over the past forty years, it is clear to me that all my personal toils have made me the person I am today. High School sometimes seemed to be useless to me at the time, the hours of practicing music could be long and tiring, and the long hours driving from concert to concert could wear me out but I pressed on. The more I continued to press on the more experience I got. As Don Stanford said, “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.”
This can be true with starting a new business. You may put in long hours only to be able to just keep things going. Don’t worry, this is called “Experience” and it will make you much stronger. This is what people kept telling me and I am glad they did. It is true. So, keep your head up and keep pressing onward and you will go far. Just make sure you are headed on the right pathway or you could end up where you don’t want to be.
We are here for you, if you ask. Read more about us by checking out our complete profile. Here’s to your success…
Monday, July 19, 2010
Looking For A Fundraiser?

If your non-profit organization is looking for a great fundraiser that can keep on giving month after month then look no further. Check out the 1 minute video at to see what we can offer or click to see the official flyer in pdf format.
To Achieve Your DREAMS, Remember Your ABC’s...
A few years ago, I bought a poster at a store and I thought I would share it with you. I placed it on the wall next to my desk so I can see it all the time. Try copying and printing this out. Then, place it where you can see it and read it daily. You will begin to realize how true all of these simple statements relate to almost everything in your life. Enjoy…
To Achieve Your DREAMS, Remember Your ABC’s
(A) Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits
(B) Believe in yourself
(C) Consider things from every angle
(D) Don’t give up and don’t give in
(E) Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come
(F) Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches
(G) Give more than you planned to
(H) Hang on to your dreams
(I) Ignore those who try to discourage you
(J) Just do it
(K) Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier
(L) Love yourself first and most
(M) Make it happen
(N) Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal
(O) Open your eyes and see things as they really are
(P) Practice makes perfect
(Q) Quitters never win and winners never quit
(R) Read, study and learn about everything that is important in your life
(S) Stop procrastinating
(T) Take control of your own destiny
(U) Understand yourself in order to better understand others
(V) Visualize it
(W) Want it more than anything
(X) Xcellerate your efforts
(Y) You are unique, nothing can replace you
(Z) Zero in on your target and go for it!!!
To Achieve Your DREAMS, Remember Your ABC’s
(A) Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits
(B) Believe in yourself
(C) Consider things from every angle
(D) Don’t give up and don’t give in
(E) Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come
(F) Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches
(G) Give more than you planned to
(H) Hang on to your dreams
(I) Ignore those who try to discourage you
(J) Just do it
(K) Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier
(L) Love yourself first and most
(M) Make it happen
(N) Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal
(O) Open your eyes and see things as they really are
(P) Practice makes perfect
(Q) Quitters never win and winners never quit
(R) Read, study and learn about everything that is important in your life
(S) Stop procrastinating
(T) Take control of your own destiny
(U) Understand yourself in order to better understand others
(V) Visualize it
(W) Want it more than anything
(X) Xcellerate your efforts
(Y) You are unique, nothing can replace you
(Z) Zero in on your target and go for it!!!
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